The truth is that this situation of being in a pandemic is not good at all. I remember last year I really wanted to do new things, like going out more, meeting more people and thus expanding my circle of friends. Also sign up for new dance workshops and thus learn to do new things. However, all those plans will be stagnant because they should be locked in our house.
But it was also a time of change, I did not remember spending so much time with my family, on Fridays with board games or family movies. Since I no longer lost so much time on the trip to the university, I was able to spend more days walking my dog in a row and I was able to spend more time on myself, I began to buy things online, I think this was the trend in times of quarantine.
Even so I feel that my spirits have lowered, for example before my study habits were better, now I feel that I do not have the energy to give my 100%. Hopefully all this happens quickly, so that I can share with my friends again and be able to go back to the university libraries to study, walk the streets without a mask and do all the new things I wanted to do in 2020.
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