
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021


The truth is that this situation of being in a pandemic is not good at all. I remember last year I really wanted to do new things, like going out more, meeting more people and thus expanding my circle of friends. Also sign up for new dance workshops and thus learn to do new things. However, all those plans will be stagnant because they should be locked in our house. But it was also a time of change, I did not remember spending so much time with my family, on Fridays with board games or family movies. Since I no longer lost so much time on the trip to the university, I was able to spend more days walking my dog ​​in a row and I was able to spend more time on myself, I began to buy things online, I think this was the trend in times of quarantine. Even so I feel that my spirits have lowered, for example before my study habits were better, now I feel that I do not have the energy to give my 100%. Hopefully all this happens quickly, so that I can share with my friends again and be able to g

Festival Frontera

  I love listening to music and going to concerts, but without a doubt one of the experiences that I liked the most was when I went to Frontera 2015, a diverse music festival that took place in Santiago. I went with my best friends and we raised the money for the entrance by selling sweets in our school. It was a festival where several national and Latin American artists were going to play, among them was Francisca Valenzuela, Trujillo boy, Viña Cariño, Camila Moreno and Pxndx, all these artists play rock-alternative and pop style music, genres that I always listen to. It started from 10 in the morning and ended at 12 at night, all day full of music and other activities where you could paint your body or face. I really enjoyed his music, even with the heat of that day, it was a party atmosphere and all the people seemed to be very happy, I had a great time. I remember that the festival ended very late that day, luckily the father of one of my friends came to pick us up. I hope I can go

A country that I would like to visit

I have always liked going on a trip, getting to know other places and landscapes. This is why it is difficult for me to choose a country, as I have the desire to travel all over the world. But maybe a country I'd like to visit would be Italy, the famous boot-shaped country. Well, I was excited after seeing their cities in movies or YouTube videos, where their architectural beauty and large meadows are appreciated, as well as the climate and their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, one of the places that I would go to visit there would be the Roman Coliseum, which keeps a lot of history and without a doubt the splendid architectural work that it provides in the eyes of anyone. Of course another thing I would like to do would be to taste their wines and eat a lot of pizza. And as a personal dream of being able to go live in another country, without a doubt Italy is within my options because I believe that I could learn its language and know a different culture.